The Bugle Magazine (pages 1-9)
March 9, 2020
This album is like, probably the worst stbp album??? So basically we found this awful magazine in the town we used to live in and thought, "wouldnt it be funny if we just read out every word in the magazine and played music over it?" which we kind of did. And it sucks!! lol
It was bizzare walking around town and actually seeing the things we sung about in the magazine in real life. Like, we actually saw Carol from Carol the Mole Catcher!!! can you believe it!!!
Maybe one day we'll do the rest of the magazine. I found it again when we moved out of town, but I'm lazy!!! We all are!!!
This pre-COVID era of the band was dominated, largely, by short recording sessions in my bedroom with equipment we could barely use, awful computer music programming, no one playing in time or on key, etc. Good Times!!!!