
My Phone is Pussketty

July 30, 2019

This was the band's 2nd release, about 2 weeks later. This was actually, believe it or not, a fairly important release for the band. It contains not one, but 2 songs that would be later revisited: 2013 and Benchball is Crap, both recieving new versions in 2021's "The Water Purity EP". 2013 was the first song I "wrote", which consisted of me writing down various phrases I would see or come up with in my head (please walk single file up the stairs being after a trip to London, for example).

Benchball is Crap was a weird song for us to release at this point: 13 minutes of improvisation on keyboard, guitar, electronic loops and drum machines, flowing thru periods of relative peace and tranquility before sliding back to us just hammering on instruments. I had improved my guitar playing enough at this point to play a few actual chords, Though the concept of playing "in the same key" as eachother was still pretty foreign.

For some reason I thought it necessary to label this as a "demo" on bandcamp, tho I'm not quite sure what it's meant to demonstrate. The album was named by kaelan, who was fustrated that he wasn't involved enough with the band, understandably, and chose this name.

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